Urban Capsules

Mural painting and installation

Frankston Arts Centre, Cube 37 Gallery

Frankston (Melbourne)
VIC. Australia
Photo credit: Morano

Urban Capsules was conceived when Morano was invited to exhibit in concert with Ventana Fiesta, a local celebration of Latin art and culture. In addition to a selection of Morano’s urban scenes on canvas, Urban Capsules involved the creation of an ephemeral installation. Comandeering the Glass Cube Gallery — a highly visible space that projects into the Frankston Arts Centre’s front forecourt — Morano’s art making was now cast as a live public spectacle and streamed online performance. Comprising a series of painted sculptures foregrounding a chaotic but musically rhythmic panorama, the installation, suffused in chrome yellows and sky blues, depicted a frenetic rising architectural panoply, transpierced by airy avenues and peopled by dreamy revelers.

Upon completion of the installation, a projection of its creation was incorperated into the arrangement, while a sequenced chromatic light show brought Morano’s spectacular vision to life at night.

Process video

Credit: Morano and Marcela Nievas

Leaving the wall as it was

Credit: Morano

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Traditional lands of the
Boon Wurrung / Bunurong
people of the Kulin Nation.